Clio Health Second Deadline 25

MLB Stars Call Home After Big Games in Budweiser's Heartfelt Mother's Day Ads

Three sluggers and a pitcher share special moments

Hey, baseball fans. On Sunday it’s your turn to make the call. To your moms. Because it’s Mother’s Day. 

As part of its Major League Baseball sponsorship, Budweiser drafted an all-star team to remind you. Matt Carpenter of the St. Louis Cardinals, Willson Contreras of the Chicago Cubs, Khris Davis of the Oakland Athletics, and Luis Severino of the New York Yankees appear in a series of heartfelt spots. 

In phone conversations recorded during recent seasons, each player touches base with his mom following a career milestone. Carps and Davis check in after smashing their first grand-slam home runs, Contreras calls after mashing big fly No. 1, and Severino reports on his first big-league shutout.

“For every first, she’s your first call,” we’re told in spots that close with the line, “This Bud’s for Mom.” 

Here are the individual athlete spots: 

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Budweiser First Call – Luis Severino

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Budweiser First Call – Matt Carpenter

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Budweiser First Call – Willson Contreras

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Budweiser First Call – Khris Davis

Sevy goes extra innings, fronting a national 90-second commercial that uses its final 60 seconds to urge viewers to call their own moms before the game resumes: 

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Budweiser First Call – Luis Severino :90

The national spot will run on MLB Network during the Yankees game against the Tampa Bay Rays.

“What attracted us to these four players specifically was their continued impact on the sport of baseball and their strong connections to their local communities,” says Bud vp of marketing Monic Rustgia. “We were also inspired by their individual accomplishments and the dedication they show year over year to the game.”

She adds: “It was incredibly impactful to see the connection and role each of these mothers have with their respective sons. It was also a special reminder that no matter how big or small an achievement may be, moms continue to be our No. 1 supporters.” 

Actually, Severino’s been injured all season, so he hasn’t produced any recent on-field heroics. Still, his mom was thrilled a few months back to hear about her son’s lucrative new $40 million contract. (Too bad they didn’t catch that call on tape!) 

Kidding aside, the campaign does a fine job of putting big-coin achievement in context, reminding us that pro athletes, and all of us, owe debts to our moms we can never repay. 

Devised with VaynerMedia, the initiative also includes in-stadium LED coverage, stickers and promotions. At Minute Maid Park, home of the Houston Astros, #CallYourMom will be lasered into beer foam at some concession stands.


Client: Budweiser
Group Vice President, Core & Value: Ricardo Marques
Vice President, Marketing: Monica Rustgi
Senior Brand Director: Madison Pietrowski
Director, Budweiser Sports: Matt Davis
Director, Marketing Communications: Jenna Knoll
Senior Brand Manager, Digital: Marni Hamberg
Brand Manager: Hayley Kahn
Senior Media Manager: Erica Biancalana

Agency: VaynerMedia, New York
Chief Creative Officer: Steve Babcock
Group Creative Director: Adam Lock
Creative Director: Todd Bradley
Associate Creative Director: Harrison Barron
Creative: Jamie Umpherson
Creative: Marie Richer
Creative: Sam Weber
Creative: Rob Carducci
EVP: Nick Miaritis
VP, Group Account Director: Joe Leotta
Account Director: Alex Slavin
Account Executive: Donald Spampinato
Project Manager: Katherine Penland
Agency Producer: Chloe Heller
Business Affairs: Jaymie Lipman

Production: VaynerProducitons
Post Team
Chief Production Officer: Aaron Kovan
Executive Post Producer: Laura Sorrentino
Senior Post Producer: Dan Veet
Editor: Jake Zimet
Assistant Editor: Ananda Ferrari Ossanai
VFX Supervisor: Alexander Smith
CG Lead: Sydney Daugherty
CG Generalist: Cat Shen
Dugout Phone Team
DP: Andrew Zeiter
Production Manager: Michael Moates
Production Coordinator: Stephen Magnani
Gaffer: Adam Kolodny

Audio Mix: Mr. Bronx
Audio Engineer: Eric Hoffman

Color: Color Collective Colorist: Mike Howell

Clio Health Second Deadline 25