Clio Health Champions 2025

Ice Cube Taunts Jack Box in Latest Munchie Meal Intro

Cube runs hot and cold. Mostly hot

Watching an irate Ice Cube smash a lamp into one of his framed platinum records—while Jack Box looks on in distress—is worth the price of admission.

Such silly scenes await as Jack in the Box introduces Cube’s Munchie Meal. 

In another highlight the actor/rapper taunting the beloved/reviled mascot with a playback of his 2008 track that boasts, “My head is so big they call me Jack N the Box.”

Video Reference
Jack in the Box | Angrily Happy

Cube’s more menacing than Box! (When Ryan Reynolds met Jack, the Deadpool star just played himself.)

“Cube was all-in from the jump,” recalls Jordan Young, a creative director at TBWAChiatDay L.A., which developed the campaign “Early on, we ended up getting on a Saturday morning brainstorming call with him, catching him mid-tour, where he had wrapped his show at some crazy time, like 2 or 4 in the morning. He began by apologizing that he hadn’t come more prepared, then proceeded to rattle off a slew of ideas. The man just doesn’t stop. It was a level of collaboration I don’t think I’ve ever encountered.”

Once filming began, his comedy chops came to the fore. “He was really comfortable improvising on set—which is exactly what you want in a partner when you’re digging for those special, unexpected comic beats,” Young says.

“And he knows his brand better than anyone. A couple of the lines we tossed at him while he was on camera didn’t fly. Turns out Cube draws the line at ‘gee-willikers!'”

Video Reference
Jack in the Box | Big Head

“The brand wanted to build on the success of last year’s Snoop’s Munchie Meal, which led to the most successful late-night window in the history of the brand, and Ice Cube was the perfect fit,” says Jeff O’Keefe, also an agency CD. “He’s not just beloved as a musician and an actor, but truly synonymous with Southern California culture,” just like Jack in the Box.

“He also happens to have a classic song with a title almost too good to be true: ‘Jack N the Box.’ We knew there’d be a lot of material to work with once we gave Cube his own Munchie Meal and got these two together.”

The work drops today across TV and social.

Video Reference
Jack in the Box | Options


Renato Fernandez / Chief Creative Officer 
Jason Karley / Executive Creative Director 
Jeff O’Keefe / Creative Director 
Jordan Strode-Young / Creative Director 
Heather English / Sr. Copywriter 
Jamie Wynn / Sr. Copywriter
Stephanie Sczublewski / Sr. Art Director 
Sarah Ko / Art Director 
Gregory Ballif / Copywriter 
James Miller /  Executive Producer 
Corey Bartha / Producer
Daysi Centeno / Associate Producer
Haley Mazza / Group Business Director 
Tandi Silberman / Brand Director
Simran Devidasani / Management Supervisor
Ryan Stoner / Group Strategy Director
Shubha Chakravarty / Sr. Project Manager
Allison Fasano / Business Affairs Manager
Dessiah Davis / Head of Content Delivery
Julia Sen / Content Delivery Manager
Ximena Reyes / Content Delivery Manager
Mariana Aguilar Tiquet / Content Delivery Coordinator

Ryan Ostrom Chief Marketing Officer / EVP of Jack In The Box 
Sheena Dougher VP, Marketing and Communications 
Jessica Deprizio Director of Brand Marketing 
Jennifer Charles Brand Manager 
Morgan Higgins Director of Social Media & PR 
Casey Middleton Associate PR Manager 
Alex Montone Social Media Content Producer 
Mackenzie Abuyen-Nuestro Social Media Coordinator

Director: Brian Billow 

Production – O Positive 
DP- Bob
Line Producer: Sameet Patadia 

Editorial – Union Editorial 
EP- Joe Ross
Editor- Justin “Q” Quagliata
Assistant Editor- Julia Armine

Post FX – Coffee + TV 
Producer- Shannen Ward
Creative Director of Colour- Simona Cristea
Flame Artist: TBD

Clio Health Champions 2025