Clio Health Final Deadline 25

Twix Revs Up a Topsy-Turvy Retro Car Chase

Look out below! And maybe above, too!

This one’s just two much.

Twix stages a retro car chase through the desert. There’s a wild twist that mirrors the Mars candy brand’s famous two-bars-in-every-package proposition.

The sly, surreal sendup delivers a double-take visual punchline. It defies expectations and leaves all those ’70s action flicks in the dust.

Two bars, two cars. One on top of the other. That’s all the logic we’ll ever need.

Adam&Eve London developed the campaign, and Vedran Rupic directed. He lensed KFC’s gravy-lake ritual, too. In just two weeks, dude’s two for two with the weird-ass commercials.

“For the interior reveal shot, the actor was suspended upside down above the hero car inside a black box built around him. This black box was designed to replicate the shadows and lighting of a car interior,” agency producer Jessica Middleton tells Muse.

“The scene was shot in two passes and comped together,” she says. “This posed a challenging shot since the actor could only be suspended for three minutes to ensure safety.”

Another practical effect involved the interior views of the rolling car, “achieved with a custom-built rig mounted to a second vehicle, creating realistic motion,” the rep says.

And if you’re thinking one car was placed atop another for the grand finale … d’uh, nope. That was done via CGI through Untold Studios.

The work breaks today across the U.S., U.K. and other European markets.

Clio Health Champions 2025