CLIO Health

Forget Caveman and Gecko. Geico's Got Frankenstein's Monster!

Grab your torch and pitchfork

It’s alive! … and tapped into Geico for roadside assistance.

The gecko and caveman are absent from the insurer’s latest ads. But The Martin Agency’s kooky character-driven approach continues, with funky one-offs hyping Geico’s app and auto services.

In fresh spots below—directed in slick, spunky style by Smith and Jones’ Ulf Johansson—you’ll meet:

  • Kevin, the chill cousin of Frankenstein’s monster. (The latter makes a cameo.)
  • Folks who wage sonic warfare with accordions.
  • A GPS that grooves with the cha cha cha.
  • Some random guy who leaps action-movie style around a parking garage.
Video Reference
Geico | Monster

Video Reference
Geico | Accordion Showdown

Video Reference
Geico | Cha Cha

Video Reference
Geico | Master Plan

The work is designed “as a breakthrough way to demonstrate to audiences the extensive range of our services and product offerings,” Gary Aurand, senior director of brand and creative, tells Muse. “Geico has long been synonymous with being able to save you money on car insurance, but the value we provide for our customers goes beyond that.”

It won’t do squat if you’re chased by angry villagers. Still, point taken.

We get self-consciously stupid comedy that bolsters the brand without overstaying its welcome. It works, in classic Geico style.

Though appealing, the 15-minute gecko-focused “Legend of the Lizard” mock doc—and its Super Bowl Sunday buildup—seemed a tad much. This new work, tagged “Whatever You Need,” is way more shareable and succinct.

“Frankenstein vs. The Caveman” would make a worthy sequel. Best forehead wins!

The commercials broke last week across TV, streaming and social.

CLIO Health