Burger King Brazil Hijacks Consumers' Google Maps Searches for Rival Brands
'If you're not the most searched brand on Google, aim to be the most purchased'
In Brazil, Burger King recently leveraged Google maps, strategically placing its coupons near consumer searches for competing brands.
AlmapBBDO developed the campaign. The agency posted photos targeting more than 1,000 competitors’ restaurants across 24 Brazilian states. For example: If you searched for McDonald’s, you would find BK-branded coupons embedded nearby. This organic initiative leveraged Local Guides, a feature that’s free for users.
“The idea is quite simple: If you’re not the most searched brand on Google, aim to be the most purchased one,” says Igor Puga, VP of marketing at Zamp, which manages the BK brand in Brazil.

Agency: AlmapBBDO
President and CEO: Filipe Bartholomeu
Campaign: Hacker King
Client: Burger King
Product: Burger King
CCO: Pernil
Executive Creative Directors: Fernando Duarte and Henrique Del Lama
Creative Director: Thiago Bocatto
Creatives: Camilla Lopes and Claudia de Sa
CSO: João Gabriel Fernandes
Planning: Giovanni Pavan
Client Services: Renata Aline Carvalho, Barbara Rodrigues, Vanessa Bortolosso, and Shedia Marzouk
COO: Fernanda Tedde
AV Production: Diego Villas Boas, Victor Alloza, and Eriana Simões.
CDMO: Rafaela Melo De Oliveira Alves
Media: Francisco Custódio, Lucas Gilardino, Yara Siqueira, and Ana Felix
Head of Creative Technology: Lilian Cavallini
Head of Projects: Luan Henriques
SEO: Mayk Souza
Cultural Insights: Eduardo Selbach Nasi, João Calasans, Manuela Bueno, Suzana Takua, Ana Clara Barboza, and Erick Santos
Content: Agência Jotacom
Client Approval: Igor Puga, Giulia Galizia Queiroz, Pedro Henrique Laguardia, Juliana Monteiro, and Deborah Patrocinio