Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Amica's Evocative Film Plays Up the Human Touch

From Mother and Diego Contreras

Given the stressful nature of our digital world, lots of advertisers emphasize empathy and human connection these days.

Denmark’s “zen” tourism initiative nods in this direction, while Škoda couches its AI as a means of generating getaways from the grind.

Now, Amica employs human touch as part of its broader “Empathy Is Our Best Policy” campaign.

Mother New York and Love Song director Diego Contreras deliver a slick, evocative :90 with great pacing, evocative imagery and a narrative that smartly comes around full circle.

The sweeping new-age score by Philip Kay enhances the viewing experience, its tempo building toward an emotional climax and elevating the brand proposition.

Video Reference
Amica | More Human

It’s a timely concept, exceptionally well executed. J.D. Power ranks Amica highly for customer service, so the approach feels sincere.

We’d all like to believe that companies can relieve our anxiety in times of crisis, or at least provide essential goods and services with minimal hassle. Alas, anyone who’s bounced among humans and bots while trying to sort out a claim might question if an insurer—any insurer—fits the bill.

“The film is a realistic take on modern society, and how interpersonal relationships are increasingly interrupted by technology. It also illustrates that, at certain moments, we all need real connections and support from other people,” Mother strategist Gracie McNeely tells Muse. 

“We want people to relate to the world that’s portrayed in the film and come away with a positive feeling about the power of empathy and looking out for each other,” she says. “We want them to connect with our work to get them to remember and consider Amica as a provider that will serve their needs in a way that feels real, confident and human.”

The team shot for a week in nine different locations with a cast of 36 plus 55 extras.

Along with the hero film breaking today, Mother created a series of 15-second product-specific spots. They’re designed to boost interaction with customers on social media.

Video Reference
Amica | Best Friend

Video Reference
Amica | Together

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25