Clio Health Second Deadline 25

ESPN Fantasy Football Greeting Cards Talk a Little Trash

When you care enough to send the very best?

When your fantasy football team is riding high, why not sling some good-natured smack with some very special greeting cards from ESPN?

One card reads: “Get well soon. If my team lost like that, I might never recover.” Ouch!

Similarly, the other cards begin in adorable, complimentary fashion—until the recipient discovers it’s just salt rubbed on a wound.

“I love having you around. You make winning the league so much easier” and “Today is a good day for me. Sorry about playoffs” are the other messages.

The three-pack costs $20 and is available at Trophy Smack.

“As Fantasy players ourselves, we know that Fantasy is a special time of year when certain societal norms go out the window,” says Sinan Dagli, ECD  at BSSP. “You get to smack talk your boss, tease your significant other, and talk trash in the group chat. We also know that Fantasy Season is truly a season. Like the holidays, we look forward to it every year. But unlike those other holidays, there are no cards to kick it off or commemorate it. And we wanted to fill that void in a way that added to the long list of beloved traditions and things that exist only in fantasy.”

Cards are promoted via DTC e-mails, newsletters and ESPN’s Fantasy Focus podcast.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25