Clio Health Champions 2025

Woolmark Stages a Zombie Apocalypse

Truth is scarier than fiction

A most unusual zombie army stalks the Earth in a :60 from Woolmark to illustrate the negative long-term impact of making clothes with synthetic fibers.

“Wear Wool, Not Waste” begins with a faceless, bodiless “runner” in a city that soon become engulfed in harried movement. To the confusion of a biker, a bus rider and pedestrians, clothes move of their own accord in the same direction, causing traffic snarls, panic and chaos.

Ultimately, they fall into a large clothes pile, reminiscent of a scene in Word War Z.

As other garments leap off a highway, we learn: “Every synthetic garment ever made sill exists in some form. Haunting our planet.” Scary.

On the other hand, wool is natural, biodegradable and the most recycled apparel fiber. Seems like a no-brainer.

20(Something) created the vid. Park Village handled production. Jorik Dozy and Sil van der Woerd directed through Studio Birthplace.

The ad is a follow-up to Woolmark and 20(Something)’s ad from 2022 urging people to “Wear Wool, Not Fossil Fuel.”

Clio Health Second Deadline 25