Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Panera's Bread-Bowl Gloves Will Keep Your Mitts Oven-Toasty

Even if you're drinking iced coffee

Rad gloves aren’t just for Bernie Sanders!

In winter, iced coffee fans have to contend with numb hands as they hustle down snowy streets slurping their a.m. caffeine fix.

It’s a first-world problem, for sure, but also a colossal pain the caboose. So, props to Panera for cooking up a branded solution that draws inspiration from the chain’s signature bread bowls.

Behold, the “Iced & Toasty” Bread-Bowl Glove, a blend of cotton and polyester that holds a medium-sized cup of Panera iced coffee, with a separate opening for your hand, so your tender skin will never have to touch that chilly chilly plastic again.

Fans can sign up here for a chance to win one of 450 gloves produced by Five Hundred Degrees Studio.

Panera says its research shows that for 80 percent of Americans, cold weather doesn’t curtail iced coffee consumption. So, the brand views the initiative as (cheekily) meeting a need. Those bread-shaped gloves are data driven, people!

The push supports Panera’s $8.99 unlimited monthly coffee subscription. It follows fun brand efforts indulging Michael Bolton’s bombastic Broccoli Mac and Cheese power ballad, and the chain’s take-down of frou-frou and fantastical coffee-shop extras. (Bread-mittens beat fancy foam art any day, though a shot of unicorn milk sounds yum!)

Clio Health Second Deadline 25