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FanDuel Casino Reminds You Nothing's as Sweet as Winning

Defeat can get the hell out of town

To hype its online casino offering, FanDuel posits that “The feeling of winning is hard to beat,” and illustrates the point in fresh ads from agency Mischief @ No Fixed Address and director Matt Aselton.

For example, once the romantic thrill is long gone, a relationship breakup initiated by your partner feels great, saving you the drama and stress of depositing that passé paramour in Dumpsville:

Video Reference
FanDuel Casino – Breakup Win

Finding a broken parking meter counts as a win, too. It’s like “the universe telling you you’re kind of special,” and who wants to pay their fair share anyway?

Video Reference
FanDuel Casino – Parking Win

“The core insight we landed on is not that winning is awesome—because that’s not exactly a revelation—but that the feeling of winning beats everything,” Mischief partner and ECD Kevin Mulroy tells Muse. “And from that insight, we went one level deeper: Even feeling like you might win feels like a win.”

“We’re not saying you’re going to win so much you better make space in your driveway for the Brinks truck,” Mulroy explains. “We’re saying the feeling of winning fires the same endorphins in your brain, whether it’s five bucks or five grand.”

Tagged “Winning Is Undefeated,” the work promises such a buzz from FanDuel Casino “in spades,” a sly reference to games of chance. (Currently, the offering is available in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, West Virginia and Connecticut.)

Aselton, who’s scored with spots for the New York Lottery and Sam Adams, delivers the message in appealing, everyday metaphors. That keeps the work focused without overpromising. Because, of course, folks can lose at online casinos, too.

“One of the objectives was to elevate advertising in this category, which is often shouty and offer-driven,” says FanDuel brand VP Daniele Philips. “To really craft adverts that are emotionally driven first and foremost, without needing to lean on a celebrity. Now that’s a bit different, isn’t it?”

Indeed, the work, Mischief’s first for the brand, marks a change of direction from past FanFuel campaigns. In 2020, FanDuel tapped former NFL stars and coaches to run comic plays, and more recently laid wacky odds on just about everything. Fun stuff, but “Winning Is Undefeated” rocks a more relatable, down-to-earth vibe that also drives OOH and radio.

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