Clio Health Final Deadline 25

#WFH Diaries: Roxana Nita of Cheil Romania

As the Covid-19 pandemic gallops along, we’re checking in with creative people to see how they’re doing. Here’s an update from Roxana Nita of Cheil Romania.

Give us a one-line bio of yourself.

Stay-at-home group creative director at Cheil Romania, art director, music lover, introvert.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you?

I’m living by myself in my apartment in Bucharest, with a little aquarium that keeps me company and offers me free daily entertainment.

What’s your work situation like at the moment?

We’re in Zoom ‘n’ roll mode. We’re all working from home and we’re trying to adapt the communication of our brands to fit the current context. I think it’s a struggle for all brands to find a more humanly authentic voice to appeal to people who are going through a lot right now, both psychologically and financially. As proof that WFH is totally doable, we just launched an anti-domestic violence campaign which was produced 100 percent remotely, in just one week. I’m really proud of everyone’s coordination and effort. 

Describe your socializing strategy.

Mainly sharing memes via Instagram DMs, and with the friends who haven’t blocked me yet I have regular evening wine dates via video calls. Also Cards Against Humanity just got released as an online game, so we’ve quickly added that to our online routine.

What are you reading?

I just finished reading Patient H.M. by Luke Dittrich. It’s based on a real 1950s medical case of brain surgery that went wrong, and it’s a great mix of neuroscience, ethics and disturbing personal stories. Now I’m currently reading Three Women by Lisa Taddeo.

What are you watching?

I’m a couple of years late, but I just started watching Casa de Papel (Money Heist) on Netflix, so I’m still in binge-watching mode. I also regularly watch Westworld and I have a pile of movie recommendations I haven’t gotten around to seeing yet.

What are you listening to?

These days I’ve been listening to Flying Horseman, Jojo Mayer and old-school The National, along with a couple of interesting podcasts such as Wired UK or Intercepted for an alternative take on world issues.

How are you staying fit?

I just open YouTube, type in “workout” and experiment with whatever catches my eye that day. I don’t really have a routine, but so far I’ve practiced with videos that range from weird pilates classes to even weirder cardio programs. 

Have you taken up a hobby?

Not really, but I did have a few failed attempts to redecorate my office room.

Any tips for getting necessities?

Make it quick and keep your distance. I try to shop once a week, mostly at my nearby supermarket. Also, online delivery services are my new best friends. I particularly like Legume Verzi (Green Vegetables), an online store which delivers locally grown vegetables and fruits. It’s a nice substitute for trips to the local market.

An awkward moment since all this started.

Audio calls that turned out to be unexpected video calls, enough said.

Best work email you got since all this started.

The one where I got accepted to an amazing training program. Then it ended up being postponed until 2021, so now I have even more reasons to look forward to it.

An aha! moment since all this started.

The internet is on mission to shame us because we haven’t been doing enough with all that “extra time” we have. Learn a new language, start a DIY project, learn to cook, repaint your walls, clean your closet, get in shape, write like Shakespeare did in quarantine. There’s this huge pressure to be productive while staying home. People are not used to just being by themselves and doing nothing or catering to their basic needs without the need to achieve something.

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out?

With all of our plans gone out the window in a matter of days, I think we will all be more focused on the present and what each of us could do to improve it. I think it’s refreshing to see the collaborative spirit of people in various industries who are now working together for the greater good of the community instead of competing against each other. So I think there’s hope of restoring some kind of normality in the near future. Or maybe David Lynch will just yell “Cut!” and we’ll all be done with this.

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

Clio Health Champions 2025