Tubi Is Free for Heroes and Villains Alike
Comedy gold from Mischief and Tom Kuntz

If you’re planning to shake down and trash local businesses, steal copper pipes from open houses or skip school to hurl rocks at windows, never fear. You can still watch Tubi for free. No matter how badly you behave.
But … just for giggles, let’s say you’ve dedicated your life to saving other humans as a first responder. That’s cool. Because Tubi’s free for goody-two-shoes types, too.
Mischief @ No Fixed Address and MJZ director Tom Kuntz deliver that message in a pair of spots breaking today for the Fox-owned streamer.
Along with driving home the “Free for Everyone” proposition, the work seeks to boost the brand’s impressive marketplace momentum.
That guy’s probably got insurance. So it’ll all work out fine.
“Burt’s & Bears sounds like a real name of a small business, but we invented it,” Mischief ECD and partner Bianca Guimaraes tells Muse. “We wanted to make the store that’s destroyed sell something cute and harmless like bear sculptures so it’s even more ridiculous when those things get smashed.”
A-lister Kuntz, one of adland’s most lauded directors, added the thug’s neck brace at the last minute, to make him look more like a mobster, Guimaraes recalls.
As for the incendiary installment, “If you’re thinking that fire looks mighty real, that’s because it is. No CGI here,” she says. “We piped in flames via gas pipes around a concrete structure we built on set—in a safe and controlled environment, obvs—to give the illusion of a building engulfed in flames.”
Such filmic touches seem fitting for a service used to stream Hollywood fare. Also, the spots pack just enough edge to subvert their own silliness and stand out.
That’s the Tubi way, with Mischief rocking a track record of campaigns approaching must-see Liquid Death levels. (We said approaching. Send in Ozzy Osbourne, and we’re there.)
Past highlights include Tubi’s epic (and Clio-winning!) freak-bunny Super Bowl commercial, these great TV spoofs and conclusive proof that streaming video trumps divorce and babies (as if we didn’t know).