Clio Health Champions 2025

Twitter's Darkly Comic New Ads Say It's a Good Thing You're So Addicted

Good for advertisers, anyway

People’s addiction to their phones is a widespread and frankly quite terrifying problem. But Twitter’s new ad campaign in Spain sees a silver lining.

Three darkly comic new commercials from David Mad (the agency Madrid office) unfold like creepy little horror stories. The pace is wonderfully slow, and there’s no dialogue—everything is communicated by the little looks the actors give each other. 

Check out the spots below. 

This is an idea that could easily have been killed early on. Even within an absurd universe like this one, it’s still generally frowned upon to make light of internet addiction. And to acknowledge that Twitter is part of what’s causing it is pretty bold, and it’s part of why the comedy works here—you can’t quite believe they’re admitting it. 

It’s also, of course, just a fun use of a data point. 

“Twitter is a unique place where advertisers have the possibility to reach their audiences when they are more receptive,” says Nacho Mendiboure, head of Twitter Spain. “We are absolutely happy with the result and how we show visually the behavior of the Twitter user in comparison with other media.” 

The B2B campaign includes an interactive website where advertisers can access more data about Twitter engagement. 


Campaign: #EmpiezaConEllos
Client: Twitter
Agency: DAVID Mad
Global CCO: Pancho Cassis
Global COO: Sylvia Panico
Creative Director: Álvaro Palma, Paco López
Copywriter: Pancho Cassis, Álvaro Palma
Art Director: Paco López, María Goucha, Pedro Sattin
Production house: Harry
Director: Dionisio Naranjo
Executive Producer: Tay Sánchez
Client contact: Ignacio Mendiboure, Carlos Cantú

Clio Health Final Deadline 25