Clio Health Final Deadline 25

Little Sisters Crash Eos Set for Unscripted Fun

Mischief keeps it all in the family

Kids say the darndest things when they barge into commercials.

Case in point: Eos’ fun stunt touting its body washes and lotions.

Women appearing in spots were surprised on set by their real little sisters. Riffing on family foibles and branded scents ensued.

“Everything those little sisters said was totally real and unscripted,” says Ashley Veltre, creative director at Mischief @ No Fixed Address, which developed the campaign. “And that’s their real, honest opinion of our products. So, it’s a really, really good thing they all really loved how the Eos’ products smell.”

We suspect there was some prompting or prepping. Maybe retakes.

Regardless, the repartee seems pulled from a sitcom, which speaks volumes about the screen-centric, media-saturated nature of our lives. Put kids on a set, roll cameras, and they know what to say and how to act, even without rehearsals.

Versions of the spot, directed by World War Seven’s Emma Debany, broke during Sunday’s Super Bowl in nine markets.

The work will run across TV, digital and paid social channels. Creator support kicks off shortly thereafter.

Clio Health Final Deadline 25