Clio Health Final Deadline 25

Kraft Will Reimburse Moms for Their Babysitting Bills on Mother's Day

Submit your receipts up to $100

If your idea of a good time on Mother’s Day is to somehow escape your children for a few hours, then Kraft has a great deal for you. 

The company has announced a “Mother’s Day Away” initiative, where it will reimburse moms up to $100 for any babysitting charges they incur this Sunday. Just submit your receipt at, and Kraft will pay you back (until it pays out $50,000 total, at which point the offer ends). 

Here’s a video promoting the program: 

Video Reference
Kraft Mother’s Day Away

“Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate Mom in all of her greatness, but we know the holiday doesn’t stop the challenges of motherhood—temper tantrums, sleepless nights and picky eaters,” says Sergio Eleuterio, head of marketing for Kraft. “With Kraft ‘Mother’s Day Away,’ we are giving moms across the country the chance to have what they secretly really want—some time for themselves.”

Kraft points to a story on to emphasize that moms crave time to themselves. According to one study, moms get an average of just 32 minutes of solo time a day. 


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