Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Hollywood Goes to the Dogs. Thanks, Milk-Bone

If you're guessing it's cute—well, d'uh

“From the makers of I Shih Tzu Not…”

Doggos take starring roles in Milk-Bone’s faux Hollywood trailers from Publicis Group’s PS One (led by BBH USA).

We’ve seen loads of TV spoofs and small-screen stars in ads lately.

But this one has dogs! So you know you wanna watch.

Thankfully, the furry friends don’t talk or act like humans. Rather, the mild satire from Caviar director Sammi Cohen explores our enduring affection for their poochie.

“Howl You Know” sends up rom-coms, with help from singer/songwriter Katelyn Tarver:

“Our goal was to tap into pop culture in a way that’s both lighthearted and unexpected, while celebrating the unique bond people share with their dogs,” says BBH SVP, group creative director Alan Wilson. “The trailer brings theatricality and humor into the spotlight, allowing dog lovers to enjoy a little cinematic escapism with Milk-Bone front and center.”

Next, a hair-raising romp for Halloween:

You like sports? Well, fetch, dammit:

Finally, for folks who dig crime dramas:

The team had fun at the shoots, and one special day stands out.

“That moment happened as we filmed a short montage on the beach with our lead dachshund and Kaitlin Tarver as they played by the water,” Cohen, the campaign’s director, tells Muse. “I had Katelyn call the dog over. And as she held her hands up as if to say, ‘Jump!’ our incredible DP, Q. Tran, was perfectly positioned to capture the moment when the dog leapt into the frame and gave Kaitlin a high-five–yep, a high-five!—with his paw.”

“Because we weren’t rolling sound, you can’t hear it, but we all cheered,” Cohen recalls. “It was all smiles as the sun set that day. Dogs make everything better, but that was one for the books.”

Milk-Bone ranks among several J.M. Smucker brands have consistently produced amusing campaigns. Cat boosters cranked up the Meow Mix 12-hour jingle marathon, while Jif’s corporate merger of peanut butter and chocolate shook the markets (we mean supermarkets, natch).

Clio Health Second Deadline 25