Clio Health Final Deadline 25

KFC's Weird Ritual at the Sacred Lake of Gravy

Let's all worship a giant egg

Not exactly an Easter campaign

If you’re gonna go cray, go cray all the way. No half measures.

Show a forest cult that worships ginormous shiny eggs and freakish hens. Dunk humans in a lake filled with gravy and see what happens.

In fact, a miraculous transformation occurs…

… and that’s how KFC Mini Fillets are born!

Nothing blasphemous there at all. Though it could’ve used some dancing.

Martin Rose, creative director (and high priest?) at Mother London, explains: “KFC is an icon. All of our work respects that. It also respects the audience; they understand that logic is parked for 120 seconds as we go deep into the symbolism of total chicken obsession. It’s a playful escape from the world.”

Verdan Rupic, who directed the spot, adds: “Making films is transactional. You give the audience something, and perhaps they’ll reward you with something in the end. But if you’re just taking their attention to feed them your message, the transaction has failed. You give, you get.”

Part of the broader “Believe in Chicken” campaign, versions of the 2-minute video go wide next week across the U.K., backed by OOH elements.

Clio Health Champions 2025