Clio Health Second Deadline 25

#WFH Diaries: Alison Moser of Forsman & Bodenfors New York

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the planet, we’re checking in with folks in the creative industry to see how they’re doing. Here’s an update from Alison Moser, head of business development and PR at Forsman & Bodenfors New York.

Give us a one-line bio of yourself.

I’m head of business development at Forsman & Bodenfors New York and account lead for two New York accounts.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you? 

I’m holding it down on the Lower East Side in my comically small one-bedroom apartment. With that in mind, I’m quite lucky to be stuck here on my own.

What’s your work situation like at the moment? 

Weird! We’re actively in a number of pitches at the moment, which I’m honestly surprised by, given the uncertainty of future marketing plans at the moment. So it’s been … fun? Trying to relearn how to manage the absolute chaos of a pitch via Google Hangouts and Slack alone.

Describe your socializing strategy. 

Manic FaceTiming. I have a group of friends from the office who have done their best to have daily Hangouts to mitigate the loss of bumping into each other at the water cooler during the day. For my non-work friends, I’ve just been bombarding everyone with texts and tweets and Instagram DMs and surprise FaceTime requests whenever the spirit moves. 

How are you dealing with childcare, if applicable? 

Luckily that’s not my burden to personally bear during this time. But a round of applause to all the folks that are (somehow) dealing with it—and also snaps to everyone who feels like they’re parent-caring right now trying to convince our moms and dads to stay inside and wash their hands!

What are you reading? 

I’m reading A LOT. I just finished Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor, which was brilliant, and The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa. Once I finish paging through the latest Paris Review (good timing on that delivery), I plan on starting either Jeffrey Eugenides short stories, Fresh Complaint, or the new Hillary Mantel, The Mirror & The Light.

What are you watching? 

Not a ton, honestly. Trying to limit my screen time until the situation gets really dire. I did watch Pierrot le Fou on Saturday, which was a bizarre escape.

What are you listening to? 

While I’m working, I’m usually streaming old episodes of Charlie Bones’s morning show on NTS. While I’m cooking, I listen to old Grateful Dead sets on Relisten. And then if I need to get a little boogie on at night to stay sane, I’ll see who’s broadcasting from Nowadays, stream D-Nice on Instagram, or pull up an old Boiler Room set on YouTube (Hunee is always a hit!).

How are you staying fit? 

Weirdly, I may be getting more fit than I was when this started? While I can’t go to my regular spin classes anymore, I have been going on these epic five- or six-mile walks when the weather has allowed. Otherwise it’s been light weights and deep stretching. Nothing dramatic, just way more regular than my usual plan of pretending I’m going to go work out then going out to dinner with friends instead.

Have you taken up a hobby? 

Nothing new yet, although I’ve been a much more dedicated needlepointer. Looks like I’ll finally finish the canvas I started almost two years ago.

Any tips for getting necessities? 

Don’t bother with the big chains, they’re probably sold out of what you want anyway. I’ve been hitting up the little independent grocers in Chinatown for the most part. Toilet paper galore.

An awkward moment since all this started. 

I don’t know if this counts as awkward, but I’ve hated having to chastise my friend from the neighborhood whenever he joins me (at a safe distance) for walks. He’s a big fan of hugs, kisses on the cheek, etc. I feel like a real ass when I have to say “DON’T TOUCH ME!” but hey, I guess that’s life under quarantine.

Best work email you got since all this started. 

Someone on my team had been on a two-week trip to Puerto Rico when all of this started going down. He’s now shacked up down there staying with a friend, because an oceanfront house is better than a studio in Bushwick. But every time I get an email (or text) from him with a view of the beach, it makes me feel very very happy. Like the world is still spinning and we are still allowed to have nice things.

An aha! moment since all this started. 

I have a bunch of house dresses that I’ve collected over the years that are an absolute waste of closet space. Or they were until now. And now I’m realizing that house clothes rule, and everybody should own an excellent robe and slippers.

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out? 

I’m certainly hopeful that people will continue to be smart and take this seriously while doing what they can to support the independent businesses that they love. It’s going to be a real roller coaster from an economic and political perspective. But I guess we just have to take it one day at a time to some extent. 

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25