Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Artefact’s 'Afterwork' Illustrates Why AI Needs More Talented Women

No one wants to be an 'eternal assistant'

AI is a pretty dude-driven sector; just 19 percent of senior management positions are held by women, according to IBM’s Institute for Business Value. To help increase representation, Women@Artefact—an Artefact initiative dedicated to promoting careers in tech—created “Afterwork.”

The film was made entirely using AI. All the characteristic weirdness of such content is left in, rendering its origins transparent while showcasing Artefact’s savvy with the technology. It features three women hanging out at a bar after work, talking about their professional issues. Their voices betray their identities, in theory: Siri, Alexa and Bose—three major virtual assistants.

“‘Tech stars,” one laments. “Turns out that’s just a way of saying ‘eternal assistant.'”

Sounds familiar!

The ad ends, “Female tech stars should not only be voice assistants. Let’s give them a bigger voice.”

On Jan. 23, Women@Artefact is hosting a Paris event dedicated to women interested in artificial intelligence and data opportunities. Participants can also meet HR team members, as well as Angela Naser, director of women for Tech France.

“Artificial intelligence is shaping the future, but its transformative potential can only be realized if female talent is fully integrated. This requires better education, access to appropriate training, and a strong commitment to increasing the representation of women, whether in research laboratories, finance and investment funds, or at the head of CAC 40 companies,” Naser says. “This ‘afterwork’ is a crucial initiative to create connections, inspire vocations, and amplify the voices of women in tech.”

Clio Health Second Deadline 25