Clio Health Final Deadline 25

Estée Lauder, Kristen Bell Dupe Beauty Sleep

Putting her best face forward

Hollywood A-listers like Kristen Bell have hella hectic schedules and surely don’t get enough sleep. Which takes a toll on their looks. That’s what makeup artists, soft lighting and post production tricks are for.

Meanwhile, the rest of us can try Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum, with Bell mildly zinging dupe culture in a Groundhog Day scenario developed with agency Shadow.

If you’re guessing she wakes up morning after morning with taut, refreshed skin, well, d’uh and double d’uh.

Though the contemporary duping phenomenon drives the narrative, this work feels like a throwback to Advertising 101. We get elevated product promises broadcast by a relatable celeb who’s utterly removed from our plebeian existence.

Snark aside, Bell’s never less than great in commercials, and this ranks as another appealing pitch.

Too bad they can’t bottle her bankable mix of charisma and persuasion for generations to come. But maybe that’s what AI is for.

Clio Health Champions 2025