The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Eos Wants Your Pubes … to Help Save the World, Seriously

Another reason to trim up before summer

Lo and behold: eos, the company that built on one influencer’s exhortations to bless your f*ing cooch (by making an inspired line of shaving cream), now needs your blessing—and more specifically, your pubes—to take on a bigger goal: saving the planet.

How, you ask? We’ll let them explain.

Video Reference
Pubes For The Planet

“Pubes For The Planet” is the (low-hanging) fruit of a partnership between the personal care brand, agency Mischief @ No Fixed Address, and renewable resource organization Matter of Trust (MOT). The latter will use the pubic hair to fight soil erosion, thereby increasing soil fertility. And in case you doubt the prowess of pubies, hair mats are also excellent at absorbing oil and filtering water … making them great for oil spills!

Why were our pubes never rounded up when this happened?

That isn’t a facetious question. MOT works with partners worldwide to leverage hair in numerous environmental missions—yes, including oil-spill cleanups. Current methods for managing this are costly and, given they usually involve synthetic solutions, generate more plastic waste.

On the other hand, human hair is durable, hydrophobic and biodegradable. It’s a natural source of nitrogen, which helps make chlorophyll for plants. And when felted loosely enough, hair mats help rain pass through soil, resulting in just 50 percent of rainfall lost to evaporation. 

The result isn’t only a great oil-spill sponge, it’s good for replanting and protecting seedlings. We also appreciate the reminder—from a corporate sponsor, no less—that we are part of nature, biologically of use to the plants and soil that nurture us back. Sometimes that’s easy to forget when wading through our personal morasses of (possibly?) “recyclable” plastic. 

“When you know uses for materials, then you can sort any waste pile into a stockpile,” says MOT co-founder Lisa Gautier. “Hair is an abundant renewable resources lesson for humanity growing in front of our eyes and poking out of our bikinis. Mother Nature doesn’t let anything go to waste—neither should we!”

For those who’d like to participate, eos will send along a pube pouch with return mail instructions and free shaving cream, so you can keep your cooches and choppers blessed while getting the job done.

Donations will be shipped to (most likely) the world’s first Pube Park at MOT Eco Home in San Francisco. Eos will also match every pube donation with a monetary one for MOT, up to $15,000.

“MOT is doing an amazing job to make hair a sustainable solution to a number of environmental issues such as soil erosion and oil spills,” says eos CMO Soyoung Kang. “We’re really proud to be partnering with the forward-thinking organization to help spread the word about their renewable cause.”

Clio Health Second Deadline 25