The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

2 Minutes With ... Franny Tacy, CEO of Franny's Farmacy

At the intersection of hemp and healthcare

Franny Tacy, CEO of Franny’s Farmacy, is a cannabis industry pioneer—nay, legend. She has built vertically-integrated businesses utilizing a farmer network, manufacturing over 80 proprietary CBD products. Tacy also maintains distribution, wholesale and e-commerce platforms. Her Farmacy operates in six states.

Franny is famously referred to as “The Force” and “The Hippie in High Heels,” because she brings energy, education and passion to audiences across the country. She has authored two books: The Art of Cooking With Cannabis and Courage in Cannabis. Earlier in her career, Tacy worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over a decade.

We spent two minutes with Franny to learn more about her background, creative inspirations and some recent work she’s admired.

Franny, tell us…

Where you grew up, and where you live now. 

I was raised in Nashville, and now live in “the bowl of heaven” on Franny’s Farm in Asheville, N.C. 

How you first got interested in cannabis. 

In 1984, I needed help with focus to keep that 4.0 GPA, and my boyfriend at the time introduced me to weed. It was my little secret, so I didn’t end up in rehab. Instead, I ended up with college scholarships. While in forestry school, I read and wrote about The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer. From that moment on, it was game over! I fell in love with the cannabis plant and started growing it on my college farm.

One of your favorite projects you’ve ever worked on, and why.

Absolutely my favorite project that I’ve ever worked on is my farm that I purchased as raw land in 2012. It now has five cabins, two homes, seven rotational pastures, donkeys, chickens, gardens and cannabis cultivation. The farm is always evolving with fun food, music festivals, goat yoga, plant medicine retreats and more.

A recent project you’re proud of, and why.

I’ve been inspired by the refresh of the packaging and labeling of the Franny’s Farmacy health and beauty line using our farm as the brand image. We welcome over 10,000 visitors a year to our friendly agri-tourism farm, which is the inspiration and heart of the business. We really do have a LOVE shack (aka barn), too. You can check it out here.

The biggest challenge cannabis marketers face today, and how to approach it.

Many of the challenges in this industry are due to regulations and lack thereof. The marketing costs to obtain a customer are 3-4x “normal” businesses. The Franny’s approach is to keep our customers with our story, quality products and excellent customer service. 

One thing about how the cannabis industry is evolving that you’re excited about.

There is an intersection between cannabis, CBD, hemp, botanicals and plant medicine that is spurring a change for the healthcare industry. This is very encouraging for the former pharmaceutical sales-rep in me. I truly believe that this will be an incredible, life-changing time for so many people as they unlock the full potential of their health and wellness through the mind, body and soul.

Someone else’s work, in cannabis or beyond, that you admired lately. 

Jamie Pearson is my friend, peer and mentor. She has taken companies public, international, and now consults to help others achieve greater success. She is authentic, smart and inspiring.

A book, movie, TV show or podcast you recently found inspiring.

The Emerald podcast, which explores the human experience through a vibrant lens of myth, story and imagination.

A visual artist or band/musician you admire. 

Rising Appalachia

Your favorite fictional character. 

The Lorax

Someone worth following on social media. 

Dolly Parton

Your main strength as a marketer/creative. 

I see the big picture and interconnectedness of ideas and concepts as they unfold. This has given me a competitive advantage over the years, and it excites me as my team and I continuously work on creating a bigger and better future for others through Franny’s Farmacy.

Your biggest weakness.

Getting in the weeds of details. I truly love what I do, so sometimes it’s tough to take a step back and not feel as if I need to be in every place at once.

Something people would find surprising about you. 

I rode my bike from Washington to California in the early ’90s when I quit my forest service job.

One thing that always makes you happy. 

Seeing my farm animals never fails to make me smile. 

One thing that always makes you sad. 

Television. So guess what … I don’t have one! 

What you’d be doing if you weren’t in the cannabis industry. 

I’d be expanding my farm business to my “sister” farms in Oregon, Peru and South Africa.

2 Minutes With is our regular interview series where we chat with creatives about their backgrounds, creative inspirations, work they admire and more. For more about 2 Minutes With, or to be considered for the series, please get in touch.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25