The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

'You Reach Back as You Rise.' Bianca Reed on Mentorship, Bravery and Cannabis

We're at the feet of the VP of client development based in Everywhere, USA

Bianca Reed got her start by reaching out to, specifically, women in advertising, and networked her way in by being hella active on LinkedIn. Since then, she’s trained in every department in the agency, and lives by the “work hard and be nice to people” ethos. She shares her mission to connect the dots between DEI, marketing and sales, and how she protects your image as a POC in these advertising streets. Bianca spills the cannabis tea on an emerging product that should provide opportunity to the (ahem, Black) population that it has historically marginalized. Learn how she’s actually helping these entrepreneurs get their businesses lifted (couldn’t resist) off the ground. Plus, she shares insights on being a parent to her sons as the world tries to adultificate them, while solidly bringing in new business babies left and right at work. 

Black Tea is a video series that exists to make the independent voices of our fellow Black adwomen louder in the industry. If you identify as a Black woman in advertising and you’d like to be interviewed, please fill out this self-submission form. For questions about the show, please get in touch. Note: We do not currently take interviewee nominations or recommendations from agencies or third parties.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25