Clio Health Champions 2025

McDonald's Hong Kong Encourages Travelers to #SNEAKJOY on Flights

Slip that apple pie onto your next flight

What is it about doing something innocent yet sneaky that brings joy to people? For example: in Hong Kong, McDonald’s customers’ favorite flex is to sneak food into unexpected places—like airplanes.

DDB Group Hong Kong followed social chatter on the topic and launched a special promotion at Hong Kong International Airport dubbed #SNEAKJOY. The first 1,000 people who show their boarding pass at the airport McDonald’s will get a free apple pie to enjoy on their flight.

Customers who document their experience on social media (of course they will), tag the McDonald’s HK Instagram and use the hashtag #SNEAKJOY get free Chicken McNuggets when they return to Hong Kong. The campaign will run for three weeks, with giveaways available while supplies last.

“Once we learned how much people love sneaking their favorite McDonald’s menu items into unexpected places, we were inspired,” says Alejandro Canciobello, regional ECD of DDB Group HK “Embracing and encouraging this behavior is an opportunity to better strengthen the brand’s connection with customers and inspire some new and creative ways for them to enjoy their beloved McDonald’s menu items. We know how much customers love McDonald’s. It seems this enjoyment is amplified when there are no alternatives, or those available just don’t measure up.”


Agency: DDB Group Hong Kong
Chief Executive Officer: Andreas Krasser
Regional Executive Creative Director: Alejandro Canciobello
Creative Director: Izmael Crespo, Christel Chong  
Senior English Copywriter: Ernest Tsang 
Art Director: Christy Wong, Nadya Siaren, Mandi Zhuo  
Chinese Copy Team: Iker Lin, Therese Tsui
Account Service Team: Maggie Cheung and Rafael Sin 
Media Agency: OMD

Clio Health Champions 2025