The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Are Those Goldfish Crackers or Chilean Sea Bass Treats?

Thanks to Mischief, they're both!

Something fishy’s going on here.

These treats look and taste exactly like Pepperidge Farm’s classic Goldfish cheddar crackers. But the bag says “Chilean Sea Bass.”

So, we’re either dealing with a rift in the snack-time continuum … or an ad campaign.

Surprise, it’s the latter! From Mischief @ No Fixed Address. With a temporary product name designed to lure more mature consumers.

Let’s dive in…

The special crackers are available here through Oct. 30. To be clear: they’re just the traditional faves, swimming in collectible packaging.

“How do you change the false perception that Goldfish are only a kids’ snack? Easy. Change the name to a more sophisticated fish,” says Mischief GCD Howard Finkelstein. “It’s tongue-in-cheek, which is also where we want grownups to put Goldfish crackers.”

The culturally attuned promo’s making a media splash. The even landed Instagram influencer Dude With Sign for the push:

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25