CLIO Health

Ryan Reynolds Revisits Just Friends for Aviation Gin

Amy Smart co-stars in romcom spoof

A jolly bearded man’s coming home for the holidays.

It’s Ryan Reynolds! Starring in a commercial for Aviation Gin. He’s paired with Amy Smart, and the two more or less reprise their roles from the 2005 romcom Just Friends.

We barely member the flick. Maybe not at all. Doesn’t matter. Ryan delivers the snarky goods as usual, with Smart—clutching a gin bottle throughout—proving a deft comic foil.

Video Reference
Aviation Gin | Just Friendsgiving

AMY: So this is a stupid ad for your gin company?

RYAN: Well … this is a self-funded sequel predicated on a loose interpretation of IP law…

AMY: Wow … dirty.

RYAN: Wow! Never work with your heroes, right?

AMY: You’re not my [BLEEP] hero!

Crafted by Maximum Effort, we get RR’s usual meta mischief, with a nostalgic twist. Even if you don’t recall the flick, Ryan’s lovably sleazy persona fits every ad like a glove.

Sorry, Amy. RR is everyone’s hero these days. Pass the cranberry sauce!

CLIO Health