Clio Health Champions 2025

2 Minutes With ... Vic Bath, Creative Director at Zulu Alpha Kilo

On Pfaff Harley-Davidson's 'Tough Turban' and 'Letters Home' from HomeEquityBank

Vic Bath is a creative director at Zulu Alpha Kilo in Toronto. A native Canadian, Vic has parlayed his fine art skills into a graphic design career, working across an enviable portfolio of brands. He’s also leveraged his eye for detail by directing commercials. Despite all this, his parents still don’t understand his job.

We spent two minutes with Vic to learn more about his background, his creative inspirations, and recent work he’s admired.

Vic, tell us…

Where you grew up, and where you live now.

I grew up around the Toronto area in Canada. After spending several years in Vancouver, I returned to the  bitterly cold winters and sweltering hot summers of my beloved Toronto.

How you first got interested in health.

What has caught my eye in the last few years is that health categories have become more infused with technological advances and out-of-the-box creative thinking to create unique solutions that could not exist anywhere else.

One of your favorite projects you’ve ever worked on.

One of my favorite projects that I worked on is the Tough Turban. Pfaff Harley-Davidson wanted to appeal to its diverse customer base. Knowing that Sikh motorcyclists were exempt from local helmet laws, many faced a difficult decision between safety and self expression. We created a turban with impact-resistant material and shared our open-sourced designs with the world.

It was personally really gratifying for me to create an innovation and campaign around my culture. One that is rarely seen in the North American mainstream context and especially with the niche world of motorcycle enthusiasts.

A recent project you’re proud of.

Our work with HomeEquity Bank and various organizations that help veterans has been a particular source of pride. We’ve always found new and innovative solutions to drive an understanding and donations towards veteran causes.

One example would be our recent Letters Home Campaign in which we partnered with the Royal Canadian Legion—where we sent letters addressed home during the World Wars to current-day addresses. That way, people living in those homes now can feel a closer connection to a generation of soldiers and have a deeper understanding of the impact of war from the Homefront.

The other example would be our Metaverse Home for Heroes where we created yet-to-be-made veteran housing in the Metaverse. This way people could virtually tour the neighborhood and donate online to make it real.

One thing about how health is evolving that you’re excited about.

We are seeing mental health being treated in the same regards as physical health. I think that is tremendously important, not only to break down centuries worth of stigmas, but to catch up with how it is treated. I’m also excited that this will lead to a larger understanding and empathy towards others.

Someone else’s work, in health or beyond, that you admired lately.

The Killer Pack from VMLY&R Mumbai was brilliant. Developing packaging that is intended to be discarded in the dump to benefit the ecosystem and possibly save lives. 

A book, movie, TV show or podcast you recently found inspiring.

The Audacious School of Astonishing Pursuits by Jason Bagley is a great listen/watch. He interviews ad creatives and provides an understanding of techniques and approaches to problem solving. Sometimes it’s about understanding human insights and other times it’s just about being an off-the-wall weirdo (in the best way possible).

A visual artist or band/musician you admire.

I have, for a long time, been fascinated with Eiko Ishioka. A designer, art director, set designer, costume designer, and artist. Her work was so beautifully complex in whatever medium she was working in. It always felt like something you’d recognize yet felt otherworldly.

Your favorite fictional character.

It’s hard to label a “favorite” but I will say the older I get, the more I sympathize with the plight of Wile E. Coyote.

Someone worth following in social media.

@thevisualdome creates beautiful A.I. art that is whimsical, retro futuristic and charmingly Wes Anderson-esque. 

Your main strength as a marketer/creative.

An insatiable hunger to create cool things. 

Your biggest weakness.

I have been described as very hard on myself. Is that a good enough answer? I should have had a better answer.

One thing that always makes you happy.

Friends, family, and that trick that people do when they put a dog in a big shirt and make it look like he has human hands while eating—that is always good.

One thing that always makes you sad.

The exploitation of the underprivileged. And bad WiFi ain’t great either.

Something people would find surprising about you.

Whenever I can find the time (and more importantly, the motivation) I make oil paintings of portraits that I will never sell.

2 Minutes With is our regular interview series where we chat with creatives about their backgrounds, creative inspirations, work they admire and more. For more about 2 Minutes With, or to be considered for the series, please get in touch.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25