The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Nick and Lisa Mathisen

Mark Moll headshot

Location • Title

Copywriter and Art Director • Portland, Ore.


One-sentence bio

We are Nick and Lisa Mathisen, writer and art director, bacon and eggs, husband and wife, freelancing out of our garage since 2018.

Creative philosophy or approach

We work loose and fast, approaching every project with an open mind, fresh eyes, and a fresh pot of coffee. We believe that everything’s possible. Until it isn’t. And even then, maybe it is?

Recent work we’re proud of

Due to the current situation, we noticed our social feed was full of people stuck at home and anxiety-inducing headlines. On top of that, we realized it was spring break! We were supposed to be seeing and posting photos of epic sun-filled vacations. So to lighten the mood, and reinforce the message that staying home and foregoing non-essential travel keeps everyone safer, we shared pictures of #TheVacationWeDidntTake. We even made physical postcards and sent them out to friends and family. The results: ?

Nick and Lisa work

Recent work we admired

The Aviation Gin response to the Peloton ad. It was quick, smart, timely. 

Clio Health Second Deadline 25