The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Justin Oberman

Justin Oberman  headshot

Location • Title

Los Angeles • Copywriter


One-sentence bio

I write things worth reading and create things worth writing about.

Creative philosophy or approach

Increase life experiences and always carry a notebook. If you think people are dumb, you’ll create dumb ads. Human insights over USPs. Data should tell a story, not dictate it. Big ideas can come from anywhere.

Recent work I’m proud of

When all 19 Los Angeles Community Collages got together to form the Community Colleges of Los Angeles, we turned it into a brand that not only sought out to help millions of students start a career, but also takes on the stigmas related to community college.

Link to campaign:

Justin Oberman  recent work

Recent work I admired

Ryan Reynolds’ Mint Mobile “Super Bowl” ad. It broke so many rules. 1) Running an ad in old, analog media. 2) Realizing every ad is digital. 3) Put a pun in the headline. 4) No pictures. 5) Creating a Super Bowl ad without using the words “super” or” bowl.” 6) Offering something real.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25