Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Derek Dudek

Derek Dudek headshot

Location • Title

Oakland • Art Director + Graphic Designer


One-sentence bio

Derek Dudek is an art director + graphic designer with expertise in the fields of sports, cannabis, entertainment and technology.

Creative philosophy or approach

Currently running his own design consultancy in the Bay Area, Derek has succeeded in helping brands take creative risks and engage audiences through unique graphic styles, visual identities and digital experiences.

Recent work I’m proud of

The PAX x Jetty Extracts ‘Cannabis for Good Tour’. A summer roadshow over 3 months and 30+ tour stops, the roadshow was aimed to promote a simple, yet critical mission: get free cannabis access to cancer patients. This was be done by collecting petition signatures and urge the passage of Senate Bill 34. (Which Gov. Gavin Newsom eventually signed)

Link to campaign:

Derek Dudek recent work

Recent work I admired

The ‘SuperShe’ branding and strategy. Noticing there was no one in the space allowing women to claim their own version of themselves. &Walsh developed an app to bring the community together. That’s where SuperShe comes in. Inspired by the protest posters from women’s marches throughout history, they developed a custom brush font that was loud & proud while also staying friendly & inviting.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25