CLIO Music

Daniel Marini

Daniel Marini headshot

Location • Title

Rome • Director | Creative Director


One-sentence bio

Beauty explorer, Award winning Director and Creative Director in love with Design and Photography

Creative philosophy or approach

There are so many clues and feelings in the world that it makes a mystery, and a mystery means there’s a puzzle to be solved. Once you think like that, you’re hooked on probably finding a meaning, and there are many avenues in life where we’re given little indication that the mystery can one day be solved. We get little proofs—not the big proof—but the little proofs that keep us searching.

Recent work I’m proud of

I’m most proud of a film I made to help highlight the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and It was a truly important message that could save lives.

Link to campaign:

Daniel Marini recent work

Recent work I admired

Spike Jonze’s ad for Medmen.. those works that mark a new direction ..

CLIO Music