Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Craig Miller

Craig Miller headshot

Location • Title

Atlanta, GA • Group Creative Director, Copywriter


One-sentence bio

I’m a GCD/copywriter, 20 years of experience at BBDO, CP+B, Arnold and more, with screenwriting and standup comedy chops to boot.

Creative philosophy or approach

I love what I do, and I get very fired up about it. I like doing counterintuitive work that’s either jaw-droppingly honest, or so goofy as to be not taken seriously. I strive to keep my work as free of B.S. as possible. The holy grail for me is what I call Culturally Explosive Work™, work that becomes pop culture rather than reflecting what’s already there. I believe that “risky” work is not risky at all, that people are longing for straight talk from corporate communications, and that engaging, story-driven, emotionally rich work leads to terrific results.

Recent work I’m proud of

Some industry friends and I just got together to create a video and website to spread a little hope during this mess, at In this time when sports are all cancelled or postponed, we used some of the greatest moments in American sports to provide some inspiration for us all to keep our resolve, remember who we are as Americans, and most of all, STAY HOME!

Link to campaign:

Craig Miller recent work

Recent work I admired

John Vasillades, one of my long copy students at Creative Circus, did a spec campaign for Duracell batteries, in which the batteries delivered Kafka-esque monologues about their existential despair, as they eked out seemingly meaningless lives inside fire alarms and TV remotes, waiting in agony for the sweet bliss of death, but continuing to live…longer and longer and longer with no relief in sight. The horror!

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25