Rob McElhenney and His Celebrity Pals Toast With Four Walls
Glenn Howerton and Charlie Day belly up, too
Three celebs walk into a bar…
That would be Rob McElhenney, Glenn Howerton and Charlie Day. They’re shooting commercials for Four Walls Irish American Whiskey, which they co-founded, and pseudo-smarmy, self-aware banter sure flies.
GLENN: We hear a little too often, if I’m being honest, that people don’t need, don’t want, another celebrity spirit brand. But, don’t think of us as celebrities.
ROB: Sure, we are beloved and successful and all triple-threats in the world of entertainment.
CHARLIE: But don’t punish this beautiful Irish American whiskey because of our outsized achievements in film and television…
ROB: … in media in general. Sports, fashion…
CHARLIE: Sure! And tech, consumer products…
GLENN, ROB: Sure, sure!

GLENN: Ask yourself this question: Do you know the people behind the product in your hand? On your body? In your body?
CHARLIE: You think it might be a huge, evil corporation? Because I do.
GLENN: Yeah, let that sink in while you sip on some Four Walls.
Ultimately, they decide it’s best to trust “the devil you know.” Meaning them. It’s a hellishly simple set-up, perfectly paced and performed to deliver smooth smiles.
As smooth as … something you drink? Some kind of libation? Maybe this second spot will jog my memory:

Surprised Rob’s bestie Ryan Reynolds didn’t show up, because his sublimely snarky style would fit this campaign to a T. They usually do everything together. Soccer, colonoscopies…
Rob, Glenn and Charlie’s live podcast tour hits NYC’s Radio City Music Hall on Oct. 12 and 13, where, we’re told, “Four Walls will be poured.”
Brand co-CEO Casey McGrath directed, and he co-wrote the spot with its stars.
Director / Writer | Casey McGrath, Four Walls Whiskey / Spirits of the Night
Director / EP | Robert Smyth
Production Company | Heavy Pictures
Producer | Neil Brown
Cinematographer | John Matysiak
Stills Photographer & Product Shot DP | Ben Cope
Production Designer | David King
Editor | Roy Pearson
Composer / Producer, Original Music | Sonja El Demerdash
Composer / Producer, Four Walls Jingle | Liam O’Neil + Fabio Capelli
Lyrics, Four Walls Jingle | Andy Mendelsohn
Sound Design & Mix | Fabio Capelli
Colorist | Walter Volpatto
Makeup | Thea S
Hair | Daniela Martinez
Hair Makeup Asst | Liz Mendoza Kellogg
Wardrobe | Gabriella Gilman
Wardrobe Asst | Jessica Amber Pineda
Voiceover | Clint Morrison
Agency | Spirits of the Night
Founders | Elliott Phear & Casey McGrath
VP Brand & Product | Julia St. Onge-May
VP PR & Marketing | Ashley Purdum