Clio Health Second Deadline 25

The New 'Jake From State Farm' Has a Bigger Role, Including Soothing Spurned Bachelors

Kevin Mimms takes on the khaki-clad character

You know what would jazz up shows like The Bachelor and The Bachelorette? Insurance pitches from a dude rocking a red blazer and khakis!

Such a scenario unfolds in “Not the One,” the latest State Farm commercial from The Marketing Arm (which was named lead creative agency on the brand in November):

Video Reference
State Farm | Not the One

Ah well, love is fleeting. Insurance is for … life. (Happy Valentine’s Day, suckers!)

This marks the second appearance of the new “Jake From State Farm,” portrayed by Kevin Mimms, recently introduced in this Super Bowl pre-game spot:

Video Reference
State Farm | Back in the Office

The Jake character dates back to 2011, when the insurer ran a spot starring real State Farm employee Jake Stone that went viral. The new Jake’s debut was essentially a remake of that earlier commercial:

Video Reference
State Farm | State of Unrest

The 2020 reboot also features a cute cameo from Stone as his successor’s call-center colleague. 

The new Jake is generating plenty of buzz but has proven somewhat polarizing, with dislikes hitting 42 percent on the debut ad’s YouTube page. Judging by the comments, fans of the original Jake are perplexed at his demotion, or the need for a Jake 2.0 who gets more commercial time. State Farm says it was simply a matter of the character taking on a different role. 

The original Jake “did great at delivering his famous line, ‘Uh … khakis,'” State Farm assistant vp of marketing Patti Morris tells Muse. “However, this expanded role is very demanding, and is best filled by a professional actor.” 

Moving ahead, “consumers will see Jake in culturally relevant moments, being his usual helpful self,” says Morris. “We use a fresh, updated voice, tapping into things that are contextually relevant with our audiences.”

“Not the One” breaks on Saturday, with New Jake, NBA superstar Chris Paul and actor Alfonso Ribeiro also appearing in fresh hoops-themed campaign during the NBA’s All-Star Weekend.


State Farm
The Marketing Arm
“Not the One” Credits

State Farm
One State Farm Plaza 
Bloomington, IL 61710

Assistant Vice President: Patty Morris 
Marketing Director: Sue Beigie 
Marketing Manager: Susi Lucas
Marketing Analyst: Tim Thomas 
Marketing Analyst: Christine Williams 
Marketing Analyst: Annie Rondone 
Marketing Analyst: Nick Aviles

The Marketing Arm
225 N. Michigan Avenue 
Chicago, IL 60601

VP, Group Creative Director: Craig Miller 
SVP, Group Creative Director: Harris Wilkinson
Creative Director: Aaron Frye
Executive Producer: Will St. Clair 
Director of Production: Scott Kemper
SVP, Client Service: Amy Erschen
Group Account Director: Johnny Fitzsimmons 
Producer/PBM: Ellen O’Donnell

Arts & Sciences
662 N. Robertson Blvd. 
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Director: Mike Warzin 
Managing Partner, EP: Marc Marrie
Partner, Managing Director: Mal Ward
Producer: Alex Waite

Whitehouse Post
54 W. Hubbard Street, 
Ste. 501
Chicago, IL 60654

Editor: Matthew Wood 
Editor: Carlos Lowenstein
Executive Producer: Kristin Angletti
Producer: Dawn Guzowski

The Mill
1000 W. Fulton Market, 
Ste. 250
Chicago, IL 60607

Executive Producer: Peter Hullinger 
Producer: James Babiarz
VFX Supervisor: Randy McEntee 
2D Lead: Cory Davis

Another Country
515 N State St # 25, 
Chicago, IL 60654

Executive Producer: Tim Konn
Engineer: Peter Erazmus
Assistant: Logan Vines

“Abby” – Reina Hardesty
“Preston T” – Taylor Handley
“Jake” – Kevin Mimms

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25