Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Bella Ramsey Says: Apple AI Is There for You

The future is now. Right this minute!

Apple Intelligence is your pal. And don’t you forget it.

The iPhone 16’s vaunted AI features can help you remember stuff, quickly locate important content and pretend that you’ve read emails from flesh-and-blood friends when you’ve actually ignored them.

Bella Ramsey from Game of Thrones headlines three crisp, comical vignettes from TBWA\Media Art Lab and O Positive director David Shane. They amusingly succeed at communicating AI’s day-to-day value in highly relatable terms.

So, we basically get AI as an extension of ourselves. Augmented humanity, as it were. A microprocessor-powered companion dispensing ready answers and pertinent, personalized info, useful for countless IRL situations.

To dust off a phrase from the dawn of personal computing, think of it as evolution in action. The next step in a constantly changing partnership between people and machines.

Less than a generation ago, that description would’ve fit iPhones themselves. So, Apple’s approach here feels both familiar and forward-looking. Slightly futuristic, but quintessentially now.

Of course, some wags will say it’s all gone too far. But they’re behind the times. Tech would never dream of misbehaving.

If automation makes your job obsolete, just ask AI to blast The Weeknd and bookmark Indeed.

That’s what friends are for.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25