The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

#WFH Diaries: Vicki Maguire of Havas London

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to upend society globally, we’re checking in with the creative industry to see how people are doing. Here’s what’s up with Vicki Maguire, chief creative officer of Havas London.

Give us a one-line bio of yourself.

Leicester born, sweary, failed fashion designer, now CCO Havas London.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you? 

I live in Bethnal Green, East London, in a flat I’ve had for 20 years. It’s small but it’s central, and 20 years ago it was cheap. The area is hipster central now; during the pandemic I’ve had to resort to buying sourdough and hemp loo rolls. My partner McCaulay recently had a kidney and pancreas transplant. That puts him in the vulnerable bracket ,so we are on lockdown for 12 fucking weeks. 

What’s your work situation like at the moment? 

Crazy. I was like 10 weeks into my new role and I love it! I I don’t want to lose momentum. Luckily we’re busy, so I’m constantly on Skype/Zoom/Teams. 

Describe your socializing strategy. 

Mate, I’m old. I’ve been self-isolating for years.

How are you dealing with childcare, if applicable? 

No kids, but we have an old, incontinent French bulldog … every time I’m on a call, he pees. One of my clients asked if I had a tap running.

What are you reading?

I’m not reading anything … I’m spending so long at my screen I don’t fancy picking anything up yet.

What are you watching? 

I’m bingeing box sets. British dramas. Line of Duty, Happy Valley. Trying to work out how to get Killing Eve Season 3.

What are you listening to? 

Willie Nelson. He’s my go-to.

How are you staying fit? 

I tried Joe Wicks’ “Fit in 15” but I was fucked in 5!

Have you taken up a hobby?

No, I’m not on holiday.

Any tips for getting necessities? 

Yes, shop local.

An awkward moment since all this started. 

Screen timing with a pair of knickers on the radiator behind me … I now know how to blur backgrounds.

Best work email you got since all this started. 

Waiting for the one that says we can go back into the office. 

An aha! moment since all this started.

Working without an underwire bra! You have no idea how liberating that is. Seriously, I don’t think the bra industry will survive after this.

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out? 

My opinion changes by the day. Last week I thought the office would become redundant. This week I can’t wait to get back. 

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25