CLIO Health

#WFH Diaries: Steve LaCroix of the Minnesota Vikings

As much of the world remains largely in isolation due to the coronavirus, we’re checking in with creative people to see how they’re doing. Below, we catch up with Steve LaCroix, CMO of the Minnesota Vikings.

Give us a one-line bio of yourself.

Executive vice president and chief marketing officer for the Minnesota Vikings—entering my 20th NFL season with the Vikings after 10 NBA seasons with the Indiana Pacers.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you?

I am in the Twin Cities at our home on Lake Minnetonka. My wife Sue and I were empty nesters until a few weeks ago, when our son Alex returned home from college to graduate next month and then enter the sports industry during these challenging times. Our daughter Katie works for a sports marketing agency in Chicago, so she is still locked down in her downtown apartment there. Lucy, our dog, is also with us and still trying to figure out why I am always around!

What’s your work situation like at the moment, and how are you moving ahead during the crisis?

I seem to be as busy as ever. My workspace is a makeshift office in our guest room with a great view of the lake. All of us in the Vikings organization are full speed ahead on preparing for our upcoming season, but with a much more flexible mindset as to the various pivots and challenges ahead. The successful virtual NFL Draft weekend was a real confidence boost for all of us.

Describe your socializing strategy.

It has been fun to be creative on this front … some of the unique things we have tried are virtual old-school bingo, watching live concerts while on Zoom with family and/or friends, and plenty of virtual happy hours—including multiple Zoom calls with my Peoria, Illinois, hometown buddies … five of us went to kindergarten together and all eight of us have spring birthdays, so we time our virtual happy hours on those days.

What are you reading?

Surprisingly, there hasn’t been as much time as I expected to read for enjoyment due to the daily Covid-19 related news and research reports in the “new normal” work world we are in. I did recently read some of the fictional series by local author Matt Goldman, so hoping to get back into that groove soon.

What are you watching?

We have binged our way through multiple series and shows on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu … recently wrapped up Outer Banks on Netflix and enjoying The Last Dance on ESPN. I was with the Indiana Pacers from 1991 to 2001, so it has been a fun ride down Nostalgia Lane! And we have become BIG fans of country artists performing live on their social media platforms.

What are you listening to?

I have listened to multiple leadership virtual seminars—a great way to pick up some best practices in these times. Not having two hours a day in the car for my commute to/from the office has cut back on podcasts and audio books.

How are you staying fit?

Peleton cycling app is my go to for workouts … and Sue has talked me into some virtual yoga classes along the way.

Have you taken up a hobby?

Yes! Acoustic guitar via online lessons on … harder than I thought it would be, but I am plugging away slowly. And I am growing a beard—not sure that counts as a hobby, but I have promised some of my team that I will keep it at least until our first day back in the office.

Any tips for getting necessities?

Have your list ready, be focused like it is a game day … and get in and out as fast as you can!

An awkward moment since all this started.

Our first time wearing masks in public was for a Costco run a few weeks ago—odd and awkward with everyone trying to act “normal” and keep their distance, but we succeeded even with our glasses fogging up. And surprisingly, there was plenty of toilet paper in stock.

An aha! moment since all this started.

That we can function as a business very efficiently via a remote work environment—and I recently completed being on my first virtual conference panel (SponsorshipX) last week. Didn’t have that on my career bucket list, but it went very well and all the technology worked great.

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out?

It is hard to make predictions, so I am just trying to stay positive and lead by being transparent, honest and present with my team.

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

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