The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

#WFH Diaries: Leslie Maddocks of Fortnight Collective

As quarantines continue across much of the world, we’re checking in with creative people to see how they’re handling the ongoing WFH situation. Below, we chat with Leslie Maddocks, head of operations at Fortnight Collective.

Give us a one-line bio of yourself.

Well, my current bio would include titles like “momager, chef, maid and mediocre teacher.” but in real life I’m an ad gal who is currently heading up operations at a creative shop in Boulder, Colo.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you?

Right now, I’m in a grey house with a red door, nestled up to the mountains in South Boulder, Colo., with my husband Glenn, our 4-year-old Leni, 10-month-old Monte, and 17,865 lovies. We’ve also got a few floaters—my sisters and parents—who are true lifesavers in every sense of the word. 

What’s your work situation like at the moment, and how is it evolving?

You know, in “isolation” (pun intended), work is awesome. Our model lends itself well to working remotely and adapting quickly, so we’ve been able to maintain momentum and flex with the times.

And personally, I love creeping on everyone’s home decor decisions and catching glimpses of their kids, dogs, roommates, etc., in the background of video calls. There’s something so real and connective about this whole thing. Like, at what point did I think I’d know what everyone’s bedspreads look like? 

Describe your socializing strategy.

Some may see it as avoidance. I like to call it “decluttering.”

How are you dealing with childcare?

The day our agency went remote was the same day my kid’s school closed. So I went from “working mom” to “mom who tries to work.”  And like a lot of full-time working parents out there, I didn’t seek out and apply for this job (nor would I have been offered it based on my performance to date). It’s kind of back to the basics over here. “When was the last time you ate? Here’s a Bobo Bar” (#notanad). You need a cuddle? Climb on up and say hi to “Uncle Andy” while I wrap up this client call.” Oh, and puzzles! So many puzzles. 

What are you reading?

“National Geographic Kids—Hi, Sharks” edition. It’s a nailbiter. 

What are you watching?

My name is Leslie Maddocks and I am addicted to really, really bad reality TV. 

What are you listening to?

Currently? My baby crying in his crib because he’s decided sleep is overrated. But in general, Your Discover Weekly or one of my Daily Mixes from Spotify because it’s one less decision I have to make. 

How are you staying fit?

Well, I’m on the Peloton bandwagon but it’s less about “staying fit” and more about balancing out my indulgences. I’m jealous of those who have found the willpower to make this a time of self-improvement.

Have you taken up a hobby?

I’m sorry, a what?

Any tips for getting necessities?

It’s crazy how this whole thing has made us really have to classify what’s “necessary.” Don’t think our generation ever saw this coming. But once you’ve got your list, I say be brave and venture out (armed with mask and sanitizer). I bet you’ll find what you need (or what you didn’t know you needed). 

An awkward moment since all this started.

Have there been many non-awkward moments since this started? Also, all of my baking has been awkward. Perhaps this Q&A can also double as my “NAILED IT” audition?

Best work email you got since all this started.

One that signed off with, “Don’t bet against us.”

An aha! moment since all this started.

I’m a pretty big control freak, and the lack of control I feel today would usually send me into a swirl. But because the uncertainties are so completely out of all of our control, it’s forced me to embrace them a bit, get out of my head and just be more present. We gotta live in the now because that’s what’s for certain.

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out?

I think we’re going to get through this and come out stronger. It ain’t our first rodeo as a human race. The aftermath will be heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. And I truly wish everyone a safe and healthy journey in the meantime. 

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25