CLIO Music

#WFH Diaries: Jonno Turner, Storyteller in Global Sports

As much of the world remains in isolation due to the coronavirus crisis, we’re catching up with creative people to see how they’re doing. Below, Muse chats with Jonno Turner, a storyteller in global sports and sustainability.

Give us a one line bio of yourself.

Storyteller and digital content consultant, working in global sport and sustainability, via stints at the likes of Twitter, the BBC, Red Bull and an Olympic Games bid.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you?

I live in London, but I ventured back to my childhood home in the Peak District (up north) before lockdown kicked in—and ended up stranded here! Bonus: clean air, sprawling countryside, mum’s cooking.

What’s your work situation like at the moment?

With the majority of live sport canceled for the summer, you’d think it might be quiet – but actually, quite the opposite. Sports brands, leagues and athletes around the world are rising to the challenge and adapting to the “new normal” across digital. I’m doing a lot of work in the kitchen, away from the rest of the house – which is good for sanity and productivity, but bad for the waistline.

Describe your socializing strategy.

Basically, changing my Zoom background too regularly and seeing if anyone notices. But seriously, I’m generally not much of a video caller—most of my friends just chat in Whatsapp groups all day long. But it is nice to connect with people face to face, and I actually find that I’m carving out more time for friends I really should have caught up with a while ago.

How are you dealing with childcare, if applicable?

I don’t have children yet, but a lot of my colleagues do, and it’s actually really endearing to see that other side to people you work with. It really humanizes people, and I hope we don’t lose that connection when we all get back into offices.

What are you reading?

I’ve been re-reading Simon Sinek’s Start With Why. I was supposed to be seeing him in London this month, but his trip is postponed, so I’m back into the book. I think this situation will drive a lot of people the opportunity to re-evaluate purpose and life choices.

What are you watching?

Went all in on the Tiger King hype. Enjoyed it. Tim Minchin’s Upright is worth a watch, too.

What are you listening to?

Ironically, some of my favorite artists released new music just before quarantine measures kicked in, so it’s been super nice to be able to soak those albums in. I’ve been listening to a lot of Thundercat‘s new album, “It Is What It Is,” plus Baxter Dury, Laura Marling and Phoebe Bridgers.

How are you staying fit?

Working in global sport, I have a phone book full of world-class athletes—so I’ve been grabbing a few tips and home workouts from them. Not that I’m putting them to much use! A couple of days ago I caught up with a friend of mine who is an Olympic champion. He told me he has never trained harder in his whole life than in his back garden the last month. It’s his only escape and quarantine is driving him to work out four hours a day, and his neighbors think he’s a mad man, galloping around the lawn.

Have you taken up a hobby?

I’ve re-strung and cleaned up my old guitar to annoy the neighbors.

Any tips for getting necessities?

Luckily we’re still allowed to venture out for necessities in the U.K., so I haven’t had any issue there. I have experimented with my own sustainable hand wash though, it’s pretty easy to find tutorials online if your local area is out of stock.

An awkward moment since all this started.

I’ve taken the opportunity to indulge my grooming and grow a full on mustache. I’d like to say it’s Tom Selleck, but it’s probably more Gomez Adams. Quarantine is great because I can unashamedly rock my face fur, but every now and again I do end up on a video call with the team and completely forget that I look insane until the selfie camera kicks in.

Best work email you got since all this started.

Not an email, but I wrote a blog post on LinkedIn with some thoughts about David Coulthard’s live Q&A fail on the Formula 1 Instagram, which attracted a lot of engagement. Next thing I knew, I’d got a connection request from the man himself! The power of social media.

An aha! moment since all this started.

You only have to dress up the top half for video calls. I’ve done live broadcast interviews with athletes to thousands of fans wearing just a formal shirt!

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out?

It’s going to be really interesting to see if we get back to holding live sports events at all this summer. I really hope so, in good time, as sport is a great therapy for many people and brings the world together.

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

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