Clio Health Second Deadline 25

#WFH Diaries: Courtney Walker of Y&R PR

As the pandemic continues, most folks are still working from home—and may be for a long time to come. We’re checking in with creative people to see how they’ve been faring in their new setups. Below, we hear from Courtney Walker, managing director at Y&R PR.

Give us a one-line bio of yourself.

Live in NYC, have worked in PR for 20+ years and seriously stuck at home.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you?

My two-bedroom, 1,200-square-foot apartment with my two kids, husband, a puppy we adopted two weeks before lockdown, and a fish that we were supposed to watch for a week.

What’s your work situation like at the moment, and how is it evolving?

My neighbor went to New Paltz, N.Y., so we have access to their apartment, which is a small godsend. Also, we pitched a tent in our living room. So, one daughter is in her room, one is in the tent, I am next door, and my husband runs to all three of us.

Describe your socializing strategy.

Phone, phone and more phone. I can’t deal with Zoom conferences.

How are you dealing with childcare?

Sadly, we had to put nanny on furlough.

What are you reading?

Infinite Jest. I needed something that would take a while.

What are you watching?

What We Do In the Shadows.

What are you listening to?

Friends of mine are doing a Spotify playlist. You have a batting order. One person adds a song, the next person adds a song that reminds you of the song just added. We have almost 100 songs and it is REALLY diverse—there is George Jones to Kendrick Lamar. It’s called “Swipe for Shut Ins.” Also Fiona Apple’s new album.

How are you staying fit?

A combination of Noom, intermittent fasting, Keto and Peloton (I am precious!).

Have you taken up a hobby?

Sadly, no.

Any tips for getting necessities?

If you are in NYC, go to bodegas and smaller mom-and-pop shops.

An awkward moment since all this started.

Not really. At this point, everyone is used to people coming into the room.

Best work email you got since all this started.

My client who basically said she can’t take it anymore. I get it.

An aha! moment since all this started.

I am very good at scheduling and timing, but when I woke up one day and realized that had no idea how long I have been here. Not an aha! moment, but more like a wow! moment.

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out?

The short view is that we are going to be in and out of our homes until mid-next year. This will be remembered as the first pandemic and it will have some type of moniker, like Pandemic I.

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25