The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

#WFH Diaries: Carly Monardo of Holler

As lockdowns persist in most parts of the world, we’re checking in with creative people to see how they’re faring. Here’s an update from Carly Monardo, who serves as an animation director at messaging tech company Holler, and also appears on a comedy podcast.

Give us a one-line bio of yourself.

I’m an artist and performer from New York. I create stickers for you to share with your family and friends at Holler, and I’m on a fictional comedy podcast called Rude Tales of Magic.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you?

I live with my husband and our dog, Commissioner Gordon, in our one-bedroom apartment in South Brooklyn.

What’s your work situation like at the moment?

I’m pretty lucky. I used to work from home for a long time, and had already invested in the equipment I use every day, so transitioning to a remote setup for Holler was not difficult. The biggest challenge was figuring out an arrangement that worked for my husband and I both, since we have limited space.

Describe your socializing strategy.

It’s a lot of video calls! It’s nice to plan around an activity like a game or coffee because it feels more interactive than just looking at your screens. Since I spend a fair bit of time on calls for work, I also try to give myself hard “outs” to avoid feeling like I’m running on fumes.

How are you dealing with childcare, if applicable?

We don’t have a child and luckily our dog is litterbox-trained! He spends a lot of time in my lap while I work, which is nice for both of us.

What are you reading?

Eat Up: Food, Appetite and Eating What You Want by Ruby Tandoh. It’s a really loving and thoughtful exploration of food and the complicated feelings and morality that come with it.

What are you watching?

My husband and I love to cook, so we’re watching Bon Appétit’s test kitchen videos. The chefs have been cooking from home recently, and their tips are even more practical for the home cook than usual. I’m also rewatching Grey’s Anatomy for the billionth time.

What are you listening to?

It changes day to day but my friend just got me hooked on Big Thief.

How are you staying fit?

Yoga and HIIT videos. A lot of yoga studios are taking their classes online, so you can continue supporting your favorite teachers from home!

Have you taken up a hobby?

Yes, my Animal Crossing island is getting a lot of love right now.

Any tips for getting necessities?

Try to plan ahead but also be flexible.

An awkward moment since all this started.

Finding a recording setup that works to minimize echo and sound bleed for our podcast has been difficult, so my husband and I have been taking turns recording in the bathroom.

Best work email you got since all this started.

We were spoiled with catered lunch three times a week at Holler. But now that we’re all remote, we’ve been invited to expense our lunches to support local businesses.

An aha! moment since all this started.

I’m pretty good at cutting my husband’s hair!

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out?

I’m hoping that we continue some innovations currently being made out of necessity. Anything putting less strain on our environment would be a very good thing.

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25