The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Valentina Orjuela

Valentina Orjuela headshot

Location • Title

Miami • Art Director / Product Design Engineer


One-sentence bio

Product design engineer turned traveler turned art director to become a storyteller.

Creative philosophy or approach

My creative philosophy mirrors the way I try lo live my life: unexpected, uncomfortable and extraordinary.

I create because I’m a natural observer, lover of all things beautiful and weird, curious and wandering.

I create out of the need of transformation and the possibility of magic, inspired by reality and dreams: stories, insights, emotions, science, colors, pop culture, history, nature and everything in between.

I create because I want to change the world using art, technology and design to create something meaningful out of powerful ideas.

Recent work I’m proud of

For 2020, I designed a special edition calendar highlighting the dates of all mass shootings in United States since the 1920s, as this is the country with more mass shootings in the world.

I believed having hundreds of dark days on a single calendar help expose the stark reality of the problem and the urgent need for change.

Link to campaign:

Valentina Orjuela recent work

Recent work I admired

The Moldy Whopper to me is an example of amazing advertising. We underestimate people, and I believe audiences are ready for smarter work, they can handle the truth, and as this campaign proves it, the truth can be groundbreaking, entertaining, effective and beautiful, all at the same time.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25