Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Tito Melega


Los Angeles


One-sentence bio

Creative Lead and Brand Consultant. Weaponizing creativity to fight COVID-19.

Creative philosophy or approach

Care the most.

Recent work I’m proud of

A Mask For All. It’s a self-initiated effort to help stop the spread and flatten the curve of COVID-19. I teamed up with a roboticist from EU and a founder from Tennessee and within days we had a viable 3D printable, cleanable, re-usable, face mask designed to be printed on ANY 3D printer (home or industrial), by anyone, anywhere. It’s made to work with filter materials found in most homes; like T-shirt fabric, pillowcase fabric, Kleenex tissue, etc. It’s 100% FREE to the world at Why? Because we are all in this together and every little thing helps.

Recent work I admired

Generally speaking, I am liking the work coming out of Fer Machado’s team at Burger King (by the team I mean BK, and it’s group of agencies combined): Proud Whopper, Net Neutrality Whopper, The Whopper Detour,McWhopper, Whopper Freak-out, and Google Home of the Whopper, to name a few. The frequency and consistency of this body of work are hard to beat, as are its timeliness and track record gaining cultural relevancy.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25