Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Tee Iseminger


Santa Fe, New Mexico


One-sentence bio

I produce high-stakes communications to help overwhelmed and under-resourced teams do important things.

Creative philosophy or approach

I work best in rapidly-developing / changing circumstances, and my bold, clear, and sensitive approach helps cut through the jumble of information and default corporatese that often trails a crisis and can undermine recovery. Skilled in establishing relevancy, leadership, and community during difficult situations.

Recent work I’m proud of

In March 2020 I worked with City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County officials to design, build, and populate a COVID-19 resource and response website, along with a companion solidarity campaign, in the days following the State of New Mexico’s stay-at-home order.

Recent work I admired

Lowe’s and its community partners have done an outstanding job on the “Generation T” campaign. I’ve worked on comms with workforce development agencies, labor unions, and similar orgs and have envied and respected this campaign since it began! A++

Clio Health Second Deadline 25