The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Roselyn Pla


San Francisco


One-sentence bio

Teacher turned copywriter.

Creative philosophy or approach

Being a creative is more than just a job title. It’s a personality trait. It’s who we are, paid or unpaid. Creatives need to create, regardless of medium. A pencil is just another tool. We choose to build our skills in one area, but our creativity shines through everything we do.

Recent work I’m proud of

While at Lola MullenLowe, I was lucky enough to write for Nike. I worked on a campaign to promote the Barcelona Women’s Half-Marathon.

Recent work I admired

My all-time favorite campaign is Ogilvy Brazil’s HIV positive posters. Paper posters with a single drop of HIV positive blood that evoked emotion and made people confront their prejudice. Simple, smart, and impactful.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25