The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Peter Gaston


Brooklyn, NY


One-sentence bio

Longtime lover of bands and brands, who’s journeyed from music journo to creative strategy.

Creative philosophy or approach

I believe that audio is the world’s most undervalued creative medium, whether we’re talking underpaid creators of music & podcasts or underfunded audio marketing budgets. With a career spanning music journalism, creative direction at a music-centric branded content agency, and creative strategy Spotify, I believe in authentically amplifying the reach and earning power of artists through partnership with brands and platforms.

Recent work I’m proud of

At Cannes Lions, the brief was to fuel passion among creatives and marketers about Spotify’s audio advertising capabilities while utilizing a buzzworthy podcast format. My concept: develop a short-form audio series called “Creativity You Can’t See,” utilizing punchy scripts and clever sound design, that was experienced through museum-style placards throughout the Spotify Beach activation.

Recent work I admired

When I sit at home during this crisis with my fiancee, watching movies or TV shows, we often sigh with exasperation when we see onscreen characters in public places, restaurants, and bars. It’s so frustrating to be disconnected from behaviors we love, like going out. I loved that Amstel (in Spain) released an “album” called ‘Como en el bar’ of ambient noise from bars, so you can turn your home into something with atmosphere.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25