The Clio Awards Final Deadline 2025

Pepe Funegra


New York


One-sentence bio

A Creative Director who loves to solve problems in brilliantly simple ways.

Creative philosophy or approach

95% of advertising is invisible and irrelevant. So, first and foremost, the work I create must stand out and make people feel something. Empathy. Joy. Sadness. Nostalgia. Hope… Also, I always aim to find the voice of a brand and unleash it into the world in the most human way possible.

Recent work I’m proud of

For Stella Artois, I created a pocket-centric fashion collection to convince fashionistas to put their phones away, grab a cold Stella and enjoy being haute.

Recent work I admired

Droga5 made a film for Facebook called “Never Lost” and I think it’s the best message related to Covid that has been created so far. It’s beautiful, touching and human… and the craft is unbelievable. They played with the same elements everybody has at its disposal: Found images and sound, but they made it poetic, powerful and unique… A lesson in world class craft!

Clio Health Second Deadline 25