The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Nina Mourin

Nina Mourin headshot

Location • Title

New York • Creative Director


One-sentence bio

I’m a creative director, word nerd, hip-hop worshipper, reluctant fashion-girl, and hard-core moon child.

Creative philosophy or approach

Putting myself in other people’s shoes is at the core of everything I do, whether it’s building a campaign or brainstorming with a team. People just want to be heard and understood, and the more we prize that in the boardroom and in our stories, the more people will want to engage with us as humans and as brand. Paying close attention to what people want and mirroring that empathetically is the secret sauce to successful campaigns—and being a good human.

Recent work I’m proud of

My partner and I were rebranding on a up-and-coming cruelty-free start-up outerwear brand. Outside of creating everything from scratch, from the brand voice and identity to full website redesign (art direction, UX and merchandising), we launched the brand’s very first brand campaign to articulate its USP: Outerwear For All Who Care. We highlighted women who spearheaded collectives as a result to not seeing themselves in the cultural landscape. We proved that intolerance to cruelty didn’t singularly apply to animal justice, but to all humanitarian causes. AdWeek did a feature story on us, further solidifying the brand’s stake in culture.

Link to campaign:

Nina Mourin recent work

Recent work I admired

I loved the Moldy Burger by Burger King. They’re bringing “natural” and “authentic” to the fast-food business much like how Dove brought the same virtues to beauty in the CPG space. What I find exceptional is that they were unafraid to show an ugly side of themselves to prove a bigger point. Most clients are afraid to show their brand in anything less than a perfect halo. I also appreciated how the brand gave full credit to all agencies involved; that’s also not a given, and credit the most important currency in the creative business.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25