The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Matthew Timpanelli

Matthew Timpanelli headshot


Aberdeen, Scotland


One-sentence bio

I am a UX professional with 7+ years of experience working in agency settings.

Creative philosophy or approach

It isn’t enough to trust your intuition when designing. We must use insights and constantly strive to improve our work by using this research. A great designer can take what he has learned and translate it into an experience using both his intuition and insight.

Recent work I’m proud of

I was hired by Ogilvy Health to work on a disease awareness campaign called TRK Cancer for Bayer Oncology. We increased fidelity on wireframes until we had our content locked in as we were waiting for market research to inform a choice on the main campaign art. By the time we had the appropriate information we were ready to turn around a final layout and even had the ability with our tight timeline to go further and include animations and quality interactive infographics. The clients were so impressed we won some additional work on banners for the campaign.

Link to campaign:

Matthew Timpanelli recent work

Recent work I admired

Johnson & Johnson thought out of the box and worked on a documentary film called “5B”. It is a moving story about a hospital ward and the heroic nurses who were brave enough to help patients inflicted with the HIV virus back when there was little known about it. Apart from this being coincidentally relevant, it is also an inspiring approach at marketing. J&J wound up selling the documentary to Verizon for a profit, winning a Cannes Lion Grand Prix and making a truly impactful piece of art and journalism.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25