CLIO Music

Kevin Bae

Kevin Bae headshot

Location • Title

New York • Junior Art Director


One-sentence bio

From photographer, psychologist to marketer, Kevin has wandered his way to find the perfect job for a while. And finally found his passion in advertising as an art director.

Creative philosophy or approach

No matter what kind of campaign I work on, I begin brainstorming from great insights. I find my insights from my life experiences and observations. Even if some experiences and education seem useless at that point in time, they can always become great insight for a great idea.

Recent work I’m proud of

Overwatch was once FPS game with highest female gamers’ engagements, yet they left due to numerous sexual harassments during their games. With launch of Overwatch 2, we are going to bring back our female warriors with new system, Tag of Shame.

Link to campaign:

Kevin Bae recent work

Recent work I admired

It would be definitely “Universal Love” by McCann. The insight was very clear. There’s simply not many love songs for LGBTQ community. And the idea was so simple and great. By remake the renowned love songs with small changes in lyrics, female singer sings love for her female partner. And male singer sings for his male partner. I loved the art direction that went along with the album as well.

CLIO Music